The Official Website of The District of Columbia State Athletic Association

Academic Recognition


The District of Columbia State Athletic Association is honored to recognize student-athletes whom exceed the standard and achieve a 3.0 or above. Each quarter Athletic Directors are encouraged to send in the names and GPA’s of all student-athletes that meet the honor roll requirements. Student-athletes do not need to be in-season to receive an honor roll certificate for each quarter.

Please download the Honor Roll submission form below on the left, complete, and submit the completed form for using the registration link below on the right.


The District of Columbia State Athletic Association (DCSAA) is committed to recognizing the academic achievements of our student-athletes. Our partner United Bank provides up to $15,000 in scholarships for student-athletes that display good sportsmanship, excel in the classroom and as leaders in their communities. As students first and athletes second, the DCSAA takes pride in celebrating academic accomplishments as well as athletic endeavors. Each year the DCSAA recognizes and rewards honor roll student-athletes, those who achieve at least a 3.0 GPA, for their individual accomplishment. As important as individual awards are, we recognize that sports inherently focus on the team and the collaborative effort of students and coaches. As is such, the DCSAA will now present an All-State Academic Team Award as well. The All-State Academic Team Award will be given to one team per season that exhibits outstanding academic achievement during the school year’s first quarter of play for that sport. This award, bestowed in the form of a banner, is intended to promote a shared sense of academic drive and foster an environment of mutual accountability in the classroom.


1. The GPA shall be based on a 4.0 system using the school year’s first quarter of play for that sport. (i.e. – fall sports = 1st quarter; winter sports = 2nd quarter; spring sports = 3rd quarter)

2. The qualifying GPA is 3.3 or above to be considered for this award.

3. All classes which award credit and which are graded shall be included for each student’s GPA for the school year’s first quarter of play for that sport.

4. The total team GPA must be calculated to the nearest thousandth. (i.e. – 3.355 GPA)



1. All students (not including managers or statisticians) who participated in Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Chess, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, and Ultimate Frisbee and earned a varsity letter shall be used. (Average for students enrolled in Special Education shall not be included).

2. To be considered a “team” there must be adequate numbers of eligible members to participate
and/or to score as a team in an Association contest. Minimum team numbers are as followed:
a. Baseball – 12 players
b. Basketball – 10 players
c. Cheerleading – 5 players
d. Chess – 5 players
e. Cross Country – 5 players
f. Football – 12 players
g. Soccer – 12 players
h. Softball – 10 players
i. Tennis – 6 players
j. Track and Field – 5 players
k. Volleyball – 7 players
l. Ultimate Frisbee – 8 players


1. Schools determine which member sport teams’ GPA’s will be submitted. Participating schools are not required to submit data on each team or for each sport.

2. Any and all submissions for each school should be submitted on one form.

3. Activities/Athletics Directors must sign the reporting form to be sent to the DCSAA office.

4. The worksheets for calculating each team’s GPA should be kept by the school for reference purposes and should be available upon request.

5. If schools cooperatively sponsor a sport, all students that participate on the school’s co-op team are considered part of that team with the host school reporting the team members.

6. Application deadlines are below.


Thank you for nominating your athletic teams for our All-State Academic Team Award. We look forward to acknowledging teams on their collective accomplishments in the classroom as well as in sports. Be sure to read the DCSAA All-State Academic Team Award Guidelines before proceeding to complete your submission.

After reading the guidelines please click the link below to proceed in submitting your fall nominations for our All-State Academic Team Award. Be sure to use the excel sheet to the right titled “All-State Academic Team Excel Sheet ” to complete this registration.


Fall Sports – November 15, 2019
Winter Sports – February 07, 2020
Spring Sports – April 24, 2020

Failure to follow the above guidelines will automatically disqualify a team.

The excel sheet below must be used to submit  your team nominations for All-State Academic Team in the registration to the left. 

DCSAA Scholarship Banquet 2019

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