The Official Website of The District of Columbia State Athletic Association

DCSAA Waiver Request


In order to submit an application to waive a DCSAA rule, you must complete the DCSAA Waiver Application form, attached at the bottom of this page. 

The waiver application form will require the following information: 

Student-Athlete Information
  • Name 
  • Date of Birth
  • School
  • Grade
Parent(s)/ Legal Guardian’s Information
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Email
Team Information 
  • Sport
  • Gender
  • Level
Waiver Components

To aid the DCSAA in making an informed decision this waiver request shall include: 

  • Official transcripts from grades 9-12 (required) 
  • Current report card (required)
  • Letter from principal or Administrative Head of School supporting the waiver request
  • Attendance records for the last two years (required)
  • Medical records 
  • Birth certificate
  • Death certificate
  • Judicial ruling for custodial change
  • Financial records
  • IEP/504 (if applicable) ; and 
  • any documentation/evidence to substantiate a hardship or extenuating circumstance exists


Please direct questions to: Evelyn Lightfoot, Compliance Specialst via email at

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