The Official Website of The District of Columbia State Athletic Association

Transfer Requirements


A student who has not previously participated in the sport for which they are interested in competing; who is released by a proper school authority from a sending school; and has completed the registration process at the receiving school shall be eligible immediately upon registration provided they meet all other DCSAA eligibility requirements.  The receiving school must submit, to DCSAA, an electronic or signed statement from the athletic director of the sending school that states the student did not participate in the specific sport the preceding year in which they wish to participate. 
Member school representatives shall not engage in any activity seeking to influence a student to transfer from one (1) member school to another for the purpose of participating in interscholastic athletics.


Q: Can a student athlete transfer schools and still participate in sports at the new school?

A: Yes, IF that student meets a transfer exception, OR if that student obtains a completed transfer release form. Please review transfer rules and exception documents. 

Q: If a student meets a transfer exception, do I still need to submit a waiver?

A: No. If a student meets an exception, that student will be eligible once the DCSAA has reviewed the information. Your only responsibility will be to enter that student’s information in the “Student Athlete Transfer Documentation” registration form above. 

Q: If a student does not meet a transfer exception, do I need to submit a waiver?

A: Yes.  If a student does not meet a transfer exception, you will need to submit a waiver to waive the transfer rule for that student. 

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